Image Resizer Removed From App Store

Image Resizer


During testing of Image Resizer on Yosemite I noticed an issue with the app not detecting retina displays.  This problem causes the retina images to be created at the wrong dimensions.

Due to this problem I have decided to remove Image Resizer from the Mac App Store until the new version is ready for release.

If you notice this problem yourself a temporary fix is to find Image in your Applications folder, right click the file then click on “Get Info”.  Under the General section put a tick next to “Open in Low Resolution”.

I am already working on a new version which adds new features and will include this bug fix.  The new version should be ready for release end of November 2014.

Cleaner Removed From App Store



Due to some users reporting crashes on Lion, I have decided to remove Cleaner from the Mac App Store.

I will be rewriting Cleaner from the ground up but the new version will not support early versions of OS X.

The new version of Cleaner should be ready for beta testing December 2014.
If you would like to help test the new version please contact us via the contact form.

New Apps Instone Website

NewWebsiteWe have just recently redesigned our website.
We’re still working on it so please bare with us.

If you have any constructive criticisms or ideas please use our contact form to send us your suggestions.
Likewise, if you have any questions, please use our contact form.

This website is here to provide information on the apps that we have produced, up-and-coming apps, development foibles, etc.

Image Resizer

Image Resizer

You can use Image Resizer to create all the app icons you need for your iPhone/iPad, Mac OS X and Android app.

iPhone/iPad and Mac OS X icons are created as a preconfigured Xcode Asset Catalog that you can drag into your project folder. An icon.icns file is also created for Mac OS X icons but it is recommended to use the Asset Catalog instead.

Android icons are placed in subfolders based on their screen density, e.g. drawable-xxhdpi.

Create one large format icon (at least 1024pt), drag it into the Source Image placeholder then save the app icon to create the following size icons;

iPhone/iPad App Icons
• iPad retina (iOS 7 and later) 152pt, e.g. appicon-76@2x.png
• iPad 3 (iOS 6 and prior) 144pt, e.g. appicon-72@2x.png
• iPhone/iPod retina (iOS 7 and later) 120pt, e.g. appicon-60@2x.png
• iPhone/iPod retina (iOS 6 and prior) 114pt, e.g. appicon@2x.png
• iPad non-retina (iOS 7 and later) 76pt, e.g. appicon-76.png
• iPad 1 & 2 (iOS 6 and prior) 72pt, e.g. appicon-72.png
• iPhone/iPod non-retina 57pt, e.g. appicon.png
• iTunes Artwork (iTunesArtwork)

iPhone/iPad Spotlight & Settings
• iPad 3 (iOS 6 and prior) 100pt, e.g. appicon-Small-50@2x.png
• Universal retina (iOS 7 and later) 80pt, e.g. appicon-Small-40@2x.png
• iPhone/iPod retina/iPad 3 (iOS 6 and prior) 58pt, e.g. appicon-Small@2x.png
• iPad 1 & 2 (iOS 6 and prior) 50pt, e.g. appicon-Small-50.png
• Universal non-retina (iOS 7 and later) 40pt, e.g. appicon-Small-40.png
• iPhone/iPod non-retina 29pt, e.g. appicon-Small.png

Mac OS X
• 512pt at 144dpi
• 512pt at 72dpi
• 256pt at 144dpi
• 256pt at 72dpi
• 128pt at 72dpi
• 64pt at 72dpi
• 32pt at 72dpi
• 16pt at 72dpi

• Large app icon 512pt at 72dpi (Google Play Asset)
• 144pt xxhdpi at 480dpi
• 96pt xhdpi at 320dpi
• 72pt hdpi at 240dpi
• 48pt mdpi at 160dpi
• 36pt ldpi at 120dpi.


Screen Shots

Andy’s Home & Property Maintenance

This app is an electronic business card for Andy’s Home & Property Maintenance, Doncaster, UK

Our services include:

  • Plumbing
  • Bathrooms
  • Kitchens
  • Flooring
  • Patios
  • Paving
  • Landscaping
  • Painting & Decorating
  • Roofing
  • Gardening Services

Contact us through the app via our Contact Us form or using our social links.

View our gallery to see some of the work we’ve undertaken.

Share the app with other people using the QR code or send the link to our app via SMS.

View our business card and add it to your Contacts or email it to your friends.

Check out our feedback and rating from our customers with CheckaTrade in the app.


Screen Shots

Get Sporty

GetSportyPlease Note:  Because of changes to the NHS Choices web services this app has now been removed from the App Store.

‘Get Sporty’ uses a bag full of sport information from the NHS Choices web site and offers it in an iPhone friendly format, plus much more.

The app was the brainchild and design of Oliver and Toby (aged 10 + 11) as part of Humberside Police’s Lifestyle challenge that encourages young children to do something good and worthwhile for their community during their summer holidays. They really hope ‘Get Sporty’ does just that.

This app is for all ages with the motto – ‘Be Fit, Be Healthy – Get Sporty’ !!

Sports Finder

Find different sports locally within England by either specifying a Full Postcode or using your current GPS position. The results can be shown on a map or list format. You also get directions too.

Please Note: Sports Finder information is limited to ENGLAND only and so is not UK wide and all data is provided by NHS Choices so we can not be responsible for accuracy or missing data.

Food For Sports

Get the latest news and advice from NHS Choices on having and maintaining a healthy diet

Live Well

Get the latest news and advice from NHS Choices on Sport, Fitness and Living Well

Screen Shots




You can use Cleaner to search folders and subfolders on your Mac and select all the following files/folders:

  • SVN repository folders/files
  • GIT repository folders/files
  • DS_Store files
  • .localized files
  • Thumbs.db files
  • desktop.ini files
  • $RECYCLE.BIN folder

In addition to searching for the above files/folders, you can specify your own, e.g. *.bak, *.tmp, etc

Cleaner is full screen friendly and can have multiple search windows open at the same time.


Screen Shots

QR Utilities

QRUtilities@512QR Utilities enables you to scan and create QR barcodes.

Any QR code you scan or create is automatically stored in a local database so you can view it later and all QR codes can be exported to the camera roll.


  • Scan QR barcode using camera
  • Scan QR barcode from library photo
  • Create new QR barcode
  • Manage scanned and created QR barcodes
  • Auto re-encode scanned QR barcodes
  • Tap and hold to edit QR barcode on view screen
  • Tap and hold QR barcode to save to photo library on edit screen


Screen Shots